What an awesome opportunity it was to share my thoughts on teaching, painting and running an art school. I’m so grateful to Santa Fe Found for featuring us! Check out our interview and see stories from other Santa Fe creatives on their website. https://www.santafefound.com/people/2020/2/16/jillian-mazur
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2 Week Figure Studies
My first two week figure study at Studio Escalier this Fall. A beautiful back view or our graceful model, Ashely.
Our second 2-week pose. Poster study to finished painting. Powerful pose and setting.
Our final 2-week pose. Poster study, beautiful demo by Tim Stotz with near leg, unfinished progress.
Poster and Planar Studies from Studio Escalier Fall 2017
Color studies, oil on linen, painted from life
Poster Studies in Toas and Pecos
Grasping the colors and arrangement of the landscape along with the altitude- Toas @ 6,969' and Pecos @ 6,923'- I was dizzy with excitement and had to rely on photos to finish.