
Jillian was born and raised in Long Island, New York, and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from West Virginia University, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a focus in painting and art education. She is a certified art teacher for pre-K through 12th grade. Jillian's passion for art started at a young age and has remained the focus of her education and career.

In 2011, Jillian opened an art studio in the Appalachian mountains of Maryland, where she created landscape paintings, commissioned portraits, and taught art classes and lessons to children and adults.

J.F. Mazur Studio relocated to Santa Fe, New Mexico in May 2016.

Prior to the move, Jillian attended a portrait painting workshop at Studio Escalier in Argenton-Chateau, France. Her initial studies there with Michelle Tully and Timothy Stotz in 2015 inspired her to pursue further education at The Ryder Studio in Santa Fe, NM with Tony and Celeste Ryder. Jillian completed a nine-month atelier in portrait painting and figure drawing at The Ryder Studio in May 2016 and has continued to attend seasonal ateliers and intensives at both studios.

Jillian is committed to her growth as an artist and teacher. She works on landscape and portrait collections at her studio in Santa Fe and assists her husband, Toby Hall, with figure painting workshops in New Mexico and abroad.

With my paintings I invite the audience to see how I see and feel how I feel. Like most artists, I simply aim to capture what I think is beautiful in this world and share it.

Jillian lives with her husband, Toby, daughter, Sylvie, and their two cats, Bleu and Poppy in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Khamsa, oil and gold leaf on linen, 2022

Artist Statement

The Golden thread

The act of gilding in my paintings is a way for me to explore the relationship between the figure and the ground, and to depict the part of human existence that cannot be expressed through words. This practice, along with working from life with my sitters, is deeply connected to the idea of a golden thread that links our experiences and synchronizes our relationships.

My fourteen years as a passionate art teacher to children has also had a significant impact on my artistic process. I am continually in awe of children's approach to creation, and my sole inspiration is how a child's essence can bubble to the surface of anything they make. Their ideas flow freely, and they are present in every moment of their artwork. I strive to achieve this same level of presence in my own creative work.

Landscape Series

What is an artist without the essential influence of nature? Everything that remains untouched by the complexities of human intervention is a form of perfection in its purest state. It’s our inner pursuit, a deep-seated desire, to honor and gain a profound understanding of the intricate magnificence of creation and its diverse forms.

Landscapes are more than just depictions of nature; they are infused with emotions and reflections of our worldly experiences Sometimes I look back on a painting and I see more than clouds and mountains-I see hope, grief, acceptance- whatever was at the depth of my being at the time.

Santa Fe Found Article